Many policy holders have seen their insurance premiums going up over the last few years. We would like to help explain a couple of reasons for this.
We’re sorry for any impact on your household finances.
We’d like you to understand why insurance premiums have risen.

Repairs have significantly risen due to new technology that has been incorporated into our automobiles. Distracted driving has increased the amount of crashes, with both of these factors, premiums have gone up.

We have had an increase in severe weather that previously wasn’t seen. Wind, floods, hail storms and wildfires. This has led to more clients relying on using their insurance and has driven the premiums up.
With our 4 offices, Hudson Henderson has collectively been in business for over 100 years. We don’t take lightly the impact that increased premiums have on you.
We value your business and want to continue to be
your broker of choice.
If you have questions about your policy renewal,
please contact us directly at